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我在斯坦斯特德的四年旅程即将结束, 我记得我在这里的第一天就像昨天一样. The excitement, the nerves and the anticipation of what was to come are still vivid in my mind. 这么多年来, 我见过无数的人, 参加了许多体育比赛,学到了很多宝贵的经验. 虽然我在斯坦斯特德的时光听起来像是天衣无缝的冒险, the reality is that it was a challenging journey filled with ups and downs. 让我与你们分享其中的一些经历. 

当时我正在准备八月飞往斯坦斯特德的航班 2020突然,一个令人震惊的消息击中了我. 由于COVID限制, 我的学习许可无法办理, 我只能在12月去加拿大. 在此期间, I woke up at 8 PM every day and attended classes online from 10 PM until 4 AM because of the time difference. 我早上10点睡觉,这样重复了三个月. 蒙特利尔和日本的时差 让我失去了阳光. It was three long months, and I couldn't wait to attend school and meet my 朋友 in person.
I still remember the day I was at the airport with my family in December when I could finally travel to Canada. 通常 嘈杂的 机场一片寂静t 只有我和我的家人住在这里 空荡荡的机场出发大厅. 我去蒙特利尔的航班是 和平 因为飞机上只有五名乘客, 而加拿大航空(Air Canada)通常是干式航班的服务则处于最佳状态. It的disap指出我没有从那以后我就没能得到最好的服务……
我在斯坦斯特德的开始与计划不同, 但它教会了我灵活性和毅力的价值. I realized that I could handle unexpected obstacles and still achieve my goals by appreciating and believing in what I have. 
In December 2020, when I finally arrived at Stanstead, the school year didn't go as planned either. 由于COVID, we couldn't have any sports games and had to follow strict COVID rules by wearing daily masks. 我们的自由被剥夺了, 我主要在宿舍和教室之间穿梭, 感觉困, 焦虑和压力. 在这种情况下, I can't believe how much the conversations and jokes I had with my 朋友 in the dorm saved my heart and gave me a little hope. I remember the house parents in Bugbee making my 朋友 and me run around the campus every weekend since we were awake until midnight, 从一个房间游荡到另一个房间. 一年后我妈妈在机场接我的时候, she was surprised to see how much weight I had lost and asked if the food was terrible. 我告诉她:“不,妈妈,这只是巴格比意想不到的健身计划!” 
我们面临的困难不仅限于大型活动. 它还包括日常生活中的小挑战. 我在运动、学业和日常学校生活方面都有问题. 然而, these experiences taught me that perfection is an illusion and that life's value lies in appreciating what we have despite imperfections. 
My journey at Stanstead has been marked by resilience, adaptability and growth. 我学会了克服意想不到的障碍, 这样做的时候, 我发现了自己的长处和能力. These experiences have shaped me into who I am today and have prepared me for the future.
So, let's embrace the imperfections in our lives and appreciate the beauty in the journey itself. Perfection is not the goal; instead, 它是对我们经历的欣赏, the connections we've made and the growth we've achieved that genuinely matters. 
史蒂夫·乔布斯曾经说过, "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. 所以你必须相信,这些点滴会在你的未来串联起来." This means that you don't know at the time how valuable an experience will be in the future but believe that it will definitely be helpful to you in the end.  

我觉得我在斯坦斯特德所经历的一切都融为一体了 Dot和一定会在我未来的生活中帮助我. 

最后, 我要感谢我的家人, 朋友, and teachers who helped me connect those dots and supported me for past for years.
